Thursday, July 25, 2019

PRINCIPLES OF CARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PRINCIPLES OF CARE - Essay Example The legal and policy context: A variety of legislations have been put into place in order to protect the rights of individuals may not have the resources to protect their own rights. Some of these are: Data Protection Act of 1998 NHS Community Care Act of 1990 The Department of Health's 'Fair Access to Care' (FACS) 2003 Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act of 1970 General Social Care Council of 2002 (GSCC) The NHS Community Care Act of 1990 states that it is a duty of the social services to undertake an Assessment of Needs under s47 (National Health Service and Community Care Act, 1990). In addition, it is also a duty to offer direct payments and a carer's assessment. The Carer's Equal Opportunities Act of 2004 offers the carer the right to an assessment in their own right. Under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act of 1970 (s1), it is the social workers' duty to identify the needs of locals and offer specific information to meet those identified needs. In the event of identification that a patient may be isolated from society; he/she (the patient) may be offered day – care facilities so that they have a network of support. This may assist in preventing isolation and may assist patients to socialise with others in the community. Service User's Perspective: During the researcher's assessment of a case, the staff at the nursing home reported that the case – B (an aged female patient) – was not receiving the required quality of care. B was aged, a resistant nature that may have been due to her age, and most importantly, she was suffering from Dementia. They were unable to meet her requirements of care, which included more attention as part of her day-to-day care since they did not have the facilities to care for a patient coping with Dementia. According to the nursing home staff, it was quite unfair to B that she had to continue living there when her needs could not be met. A day after the initial assessment of the case, B's niec e was contacted in order that her views on B moving into a residential home be taken on board. This would be a home that catered to the needs of patients suffering from Dementia. The niece stated that she would be very happy if the transfer were to go ahead. She also reported that she has had a lengthy conversation with the manager of the nursing home with regards to B's safety at the home and really wanted the best for B. The assessor of this project was informed about the opinions and decisions of the nursing home and B's niece. During supervision sessions the possibility and the procedure for finding an appropriate placement for B were discussed. A resource request was then sent to Home Care requesting a list of residential care homes registered to offer care to patients with Dementia that had vacancies. The list sent in response mentioned three homes; information about which was passed to B's niece so that she could contact these homes, makes appointments for a possible viewing and then decide which one would be the best for B. Social Work Values and Anti-Oppressive Practice: The General Social Care Council (GSCC) code of practice is the corner stone of social work values. Social workers are bound by this code of practice; and action can be taken against them if they fail to do so. The GSCC code also forms a part of the legislation, employer’

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